
邮轮般体验的“以太”出自于总部设在英国的设计师Mac Byers手笔,基于飞艇平台上,在一个较短的时间内,让客人体验到更广泛的目的地,同时享受一些可以想象的景观。车辆的外观看起来不像有史以来生产的任何飞艇 (忘掉危险的想法,如1937年兴登堡号的灾难)。视觉概念诠释了新一代飞艇,不仅是安全且干净,深受雷鸟2,星球大战和NASA航天飞机的影响。绘图参考来自吊桥的拉线,如大堂集成线构成了楼梯和桌子的细节。内部空间被设计成尽可能的开放 – 鼓励社交活动和提供公共区域以满足用户。 

Based on an airship platform, the “Aether” cruise experience by UK-based designer Mac Byers allows guests to experience a wider range of destinations in a shorter time, all the while enjoying some of the greatest views imaginable. The exterior of the vehicle is conceived to look unlike any airship ever produced – removing notions of danger, like the hindenburg disaster in 1937 . The concept visually communicates a new generation airship that is not only safe but clean, influenced by the thunderbird 2, star wars and the NASA space shuttle. Drawing reference from suspension bridge cables, the lobby integrates structural cords for details like stairways and tables. The interior space has been designed to be as open as possible – encouraging social interaction and providing a communal gathering place for users to meet.

Mac Byers concept

airship concept

Aether cruise

Aether cruise concept


Mac Byers concept

airship concept

Aether cruise

Aether cruise concept




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