在网络上有成千上万给设计师和开发人员的书籍。 如果你在网上搜一下web主题的书,即使不是一大堆你也至少搜到一两本符合的,就是那种完全符合特定主题的书。当然的,这些书都是要钱的。 今天我们收集了一些电子书,范围涉及到设计和开发的方方面面。而最值得称道的是这些书是免费的。

There are literally thousands of books available for web designers and developers online. There has been no language, no point of discussion, or no trend that has not, at one time or another, been extensively explored and analysed, and eventually published into a book. If you do a simple web search on any web topic, you will find a book, if not a multitude of books, that has been competently written on that particular subject. Of course, you will have to pay for these books. Today we have a selection of ebooks for you covering most aspects of web design and development. And the best thing about these books is that they are all FREE!

UX Design for Start-Ups by Marcin Treder

UX Design for Start-Ups by Marcin Treder - Free Books for Designers and Developers

Written by Marcin Treder, UX Design for Start-Ups is a must read for any startup or grown-up company that wishes to keep its startup spirit and conquer the world with stunning UX Design.

作者Marcin Treder, 《UX Design for Start-Ups》是初创和成长企业的必读,如果想保持初创精神并且打算使用惊人的UX设计征服世界的话。

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Book of Speed by Stoyan Stefanov

Book of Speed by Stoyan Stefanov - Free Books for Designers and Developers

The book of speed by Stoyan Stefanov is a free (public domain), online, open-source, not yet finished, book about web performance.

这是Stoyan Stefanov编写的一本关于网站性能的免费在线读物,目前没有完成。

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Mobile Web Design Best Practices by Mobify

Mobile Web Design Best Practices by Mobify - Free Books for Designers and Developers

This free ebook from Mobify is a handy mobile web design guide with over 50 tips that will help you build amazing mobile websites.


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Pro Git by Scott Chacon

Pro Git by Scott Chacon - Free Books for Designers and Developers

The Pro Git eBook covers Git basics as well as advanced topics such as branching and running distributed Git. Furthermore, if you are migrating from another system such as Subversion, this eBook has an entire chapter dedicated to guiding you.


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Developing Modern Mobile Web Apps by Microsoft

Developing Modern Mobile Web Apps by Microsoft - Free Books for Designers and Developers

This free book from Microsoft offer guidance on building mobile web experiences using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. It tackles issues of screen size, the availability of specific feature support, and other differences between mobile browsers that will impact how you develop your apps.


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Web Design and Mobile Trends for 2013 by Awwwards

Web Design and Mobile Trends for 2013 by Awwwards - Free Books for Designers and Developers

Made up of a series of short interviews with the likes of Jeffrey Zeldman (A List Apart), Karen McGrane, Aarron Walter, Veerle Peters, and many more… Web Design and Mobile Trends for 2013 shares the vision of each designer on the future of web technologies, designing for different devices and how it may evolve.

一些列的简短采访,包括Jeffrey Zeldman , Karen McGrane, Aarron Walter, Veerle Peters等等设计师, 本书分享了各个设计师对未来的网络技术,为各种设备设计以及设备如何进化等主题的观点。

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Mobile Developers Guide to the Galaxy

Mobile Developers Guide to the Galaxy - Free Books for Designers and Developers

Now in its 12th edition, the Mobile Developers Guide to the Galaxy focuses on developing mobile apps, which includes a number of phases including: planning & specification, prototyping & design, implementation, internal testing & deployment, deployment to an app store, discovery by users, installation, use and feedback.


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HTML5 Canvas by Jeff Fulton

HTML5 Canvas by Jeff Fulton - Free Books for Designers and Developers

The second edition of HTML5 Canvas gets you going with HTML5 Canvas, teaching you how to draw, render text, manipulate images, and create animation—all in the course of building several interactive web games throughout the book. The free online version includes 53 interactive examples and exercises.


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Learning JavaScript Design Patterns by Addy Osmani

Learning JavaScript Design Patterns by Addy Osmani - Free Books for Designers and Developers

Written by Addy Osmani, Learning JavaScript Design Patterns will show you how to write beautiful, structured, and maintainable JavaScript by applying classical and modern design patterns to the language. If you want to keep your code efficient, more manageable, and up-to-date with the latest best practices, this book is for you.


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jQuery Fundamentals – A guide to the basics of jQuery by Rebecca Murphey

jQuery Fundamentals has been designed to get you comfortable working through common problems you’ll come across when using jQuery. Each chapter covers a concept and gives you the chance to try example code related to the concept.


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Programming JavaScript Applications by Eric Elliott

Programming JavaScript Applications by Eric Elliott - Free Books for Designers and Developers

In this early release edition of Programming JavaScript Applications, you will have the chance to take your existing JavaScript skills to the next level and learn how to build complete web scale or enterprise applications that are easy to extend and maintain.



Designing for the Web by Mark Boulton

Designing for the Web by Mark Boulton - Free Books for Designers and Developers

A Practical Guide to Designing for the Web aims to teach you techniques for designing your website using the principles of graphic design, covering a core aspect of graphic design: Getting Started, Research, Typography, Colour, and Layout. Learn solid graphic design theory that you can simply apply to your designs, making the difference from a good design to a great one.

《网站设计实用指南》旨在教你使用平面设计原理设计网站的技术,涵盖了平面设计的核心,入门,深入,排版,颜色以及布局。学习平面设计理论,你可以轻易的运用在你的设计中,让你的好设计别具一格。 下载地址

Locking Down WordPress by Rachel Baker, Brad Williams & John Ford

Locking Down WordPress by Rachel Baker, Brad Williams & John Ford - Free Books for Designers and Developers

In Locking Down WordPress, WordPress pros Rachel Baker, Brad Williams, and John Ford take you through everything you need to know to make sure you have WordPress security under control.

《锁定WordPresss》,教你掌握WordPress安全控制必须知道的所有方面。 下载地址 →

WordPress Meet Responsive Design by Chris Coyier, Ian Stewart & Sara Cannon

WordPress Meet Responsive Design by Chris Coyier, Ian Stewart & Sara Cannon - Free Books for Designers and Developers

In this short book Chris Coyier, Ian Stewart and Sara Cannon give you the lowdown on their real world uses and strategies for designing WordPress responsively.

这本短书中,作者Chris Coyier, Ian Stewart 和Sara Cannon教你讲解WordPress的现实用途以及其响应式的设计(译者注:即是不同设备的不同浏览界面)。

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Git From The Bottom Up by John Wiegley

Git From The Bottom Up by John Wiegley - Free Books for Designers and Developers

As the name suggests, Git From the Bottom Up teaches Git from basic to advanced levels. It is available as a PDF file, so you can easily download it and use it as per your convenience.


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Developing Backbone.js Applications by Addy Osmani

Developing Backbone.js Applications by Addy Osmani - Free Books for Designers and Developers


If you want to build your site’s frontend with the single-page application (SPA) model, this hands-on book shows you how to get the job done with Backbone.js. You’ll learn how to create structured JavaScript applications, using Backbone’s own flavor of model-view-controller (MVC) architecture.


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JavaScript Enlightenment by Cody Lindley

JavaScript Enlightenment by Cody Lindley - Free Books for Designers and Developers

JavaScpt Enlightenment is not about JavaScript design patterns or implementing an object-oriented paradigm with JavaScript code. the intention of this book to give the reader an accurate JavaScript worldview through an examination of native JavaScript objects and supporting nuances: complex values, primitive values, scope, inheritance, the head object, etc.ri


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PHP: The Right Way by Josh Lockhart

There’s a lot of outdated information on the Web that leads new PHP users astray, propagating bad practices and bad code. This must stop. PHP: The Right Way is an easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP best practices, accepted coding standards, and links to authoritative tutorials around the Web.


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Evil by Design: Design Patterns That Lead Us Into Temptation by Chris Nodder

Evil by Design is arranged in chapters following the seven deadly sins, with the relevant design patterns aligned under the headings of Sloth, Pride, Envy, Greed, Lust, Anger and Gluttony. It takes a tongue and cheek look at how web and application design can be used to exploit psychological principles to persuade us to act.


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arsui翻译 来源:http://speckyboy.com/2013/06/10/free-ebooks-for-designers-and-developers/

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